Soundstripe vs Bensound

Intermsoflicensingandpricing,ArtlistonlyofferssubscriptionplanswhileBensoundoffersbothsubscriptionplansandpay-per-trackoptions.Pay-Per ...,2024年5月27日—DuringtheAllAccessSubscriptionPlanterm,BensoundshallgrantyouaperpetuallicensefortheMusicTrack...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Artlist vs Bensound

In terms of licensing and pricing, Artlist only offers subscription plans while Bensound offers both subscription plans and pay-per-track options. Pay-Per ...

Terms of use

2024年5月27日 — During the All Access Subscription Plan term, Bensound shall grant you a perpetual license for the Music Tracks. Each All Access Subscription ...


All Pay-per-Track and All Access subscription plans get you a perpetual license valid forever. ... Bensound is the best place to find royalty-free music ...

Plans & Pricing

Standard · $9 · (Billed $119 annually). Unlimited Downloads. Unlimited Downloads. Video & social media · -> 1 Channel per platform ; Extended · $19 · (Billed $239 ...

Royalty Free Music Subscription for YouTube and More

Subscribe and download my entire library (including the tracks only available for purchase) during one year in both mp3 and wav format.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! To use our music in your podcast or audiobook, you can purchase our Standard Pay-per-track License or our Standard All Access Subscription plan.

Bensound: Royalty

2023年3月8日 — The subscription plan gives users access to all of Bensound's music library, unlimited downloads, and access to the Bensound app. The free plan ...

PremiumBeat vs. Bensound

2021年1月2日 — Our monthly subscription plan gives you five downloads per month (again, each with full tracks, shorts, loops, and stems), at a rate of $12.99 ...

Soundstripe vs. Bensound

2020年1月1日 — Bensound is...somewhat confusing. Soundstripe uses a subscription service plan, which is fairly straightforward. It functions like your Disney+ ...


Intermsoflicensingandpricing,ArtlistonlyofferssubscriptionplanswhileBensoundoffersbothsubscriptionplansandpay-per-trackoptions.Pay-Per ...,2024年5月27日—DuringtheAllAccessSubscriptionPlanterm,BensoundshallgrantyouaperpetuallicensefortheMusicTracks.EachAllAccessSubscription ...,AllPay-per-TrackandAllAccesssubscriptionplansgetyouaperpetuallicensevalidforever....Bensoundisthebestplacetofindroyalt...

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